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Rep. Joe Wilson

for Congress (SC-2)

"Protecting the lives of those who cannot protect themselves has always been critically important to me, as I have represented South Carolinians both in the State House and in Washington. Please be assured that I will continue the fight for a strong pro-life agenda to protect the unborn and promote pro-family legislation on behalf of all Americans."

Sheri Biggs

for Congress (SC-3)

As a Christian, Sheri believes all life is made in the image and likeness of God and it must be cherished. Like many women, Sheri faced significant challenges bringing life into this world, including multiple miscarriages and bed rest orders during her pregnancy of her son. Yet, despite the challenges, Sheri always thanked God for the beautiful creations He blessed her with. AS our Member of Congress, Sheri will use her voice and story to protect the sanctity of life and advance a true culture of life in this country. 


Rep. William Timmons

for Congress (SC-4)

Every life is sacred. I am proudly pro-life and believe all life starts at conception. I actively support pro-life legislation and policies to protect the God-given right to life.

Rep. Ralph Norman

for Congress (SC-5)

With four children and 17 grandchildren, I strongly support the sanctity of life. I will continue to support legislation that protects the rights of the unborn and advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. I am fully supportive of the Supreme Court's decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow individual states to handle the issue independently. Our nation was built on the promise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” however the key to this foundation is life.

I am committed to using my voice here in Congress to advocate for the values of my constituents, which include defunding Planned Parenthood and supporting legislation that protects our children. Every life is precious, and I will do all that is in my power to protect them.

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Duke Buckner

for Congress (SC-6)

"I believe life begins at conception, and the unborn have a right to life. The issue of abortion belongs within the purview of the states and not the federal government. Only in the instances of rape, incest, life of the mother or the child has lethal anomalies incompatible with life are circumstances where I believe ending the life of the unborn could be legally justifiable."

Rep. Russell Fry

for Congress (SC-7)


Phillip Bowers

for State House Dist. 3

Phillip Bowers is running against State Rep. Jerry Carter for State House District Three.


Rep. Carter was the only Republican in the State House of Representatives to vote against protecting preborn children with a beating heart.


On the other hand, Phillip is proudly pro-life.


Vote Phillip Bowers For State House District 3 on June 11th.


State Rep. April Cromer

for State House Dist. 6

State Representative April Cromer will fight for the protection of preborn children.


State Rep. Josiah Magnuson

for State House Dist. 38

"The foundational purpose of state government is to provide equal protection for each innocent life created in the image of God. That life begins at conception. With this conviction, I will never cast a vote that consents to legalized murder. After the Dobbs decision, I was honored to be appointed to the ad hoc committee that wrote a bill aimed to close all abortion facilities in the state. I also helped with the language of the Heartbeat Act that was enacted in 2023. Currently, I am fighting to end all taxpayer funding for abortion, or for providers of abortion such as Planned Parenthood. Ultimately, it is my goal to make any intentional killing of a child illegal in South Carolina."

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State Rep. Lucas Atkinson (Democratic Party)

for State House Dist. 57

Representative Atkinson is a proud pro-life DEMOCRAT, one of only two Democrats to vote in favor of protecting preborn children from the moment of conception.

Krista Hassell

for State House Dist. 96

I believe that life begins at conception and that our unborn children must be protected.


State Sen. Billy Garrett

for State Senate Dist. 10

"Billy is a loving father and grandfather and believes that, as it says in Jeremiah 1, that all children - born and preborn - are known by God and have a purpose and plan. As Senator, Billy has sponsored pro-life legislation and voted for the strongest pro-life legislation ever to become law, the Heartbeat Bill. But Billy’s commitment to the family don’t end there, as he has sponsored legislation to make adoption more accessible and more efficient, and has supported policy that helps make raising children more affordable. Billy is strongly Pro-God, Pro-Life, and Pro-Family."

Allen Blackmon

for State Senate Dist. 27

Mr. Blackmon is running against pro-abortion Republican State Senator Penry Gustafson.

Here's what Allen has to say on the issue of LIFE:
All life is precious, formed in the image of God. As a father and grandfather, Allen has the blessings of holding life in the palm of his hands which has helped guide his belief that life, born and pre-born, is worthy of protection. As your State Senator, he will have the courage to protect the rights of the unborn, while at the same time, prioritizing policies that help make raising children more affordable, encouraging and streamlining adoptive services and passing legislation that helps working families.


Mike Jones

for State Senate Dist. 35

All life is a gift from God and I am 100% pro-life. As a Christian I will always take a stand to defend the unborn and stand up for those who cannot defend themselves. 

State Rep. Matt Leber

for State Senate Dist. 41


Frank Farmer

for Greenville County Council Dist. 22

"I am proudly pro-life and believe life begins at conception." 

John Langville
(Constitution Party)

for Greenville County Council Dist. 24

"I am 100% pro-life."

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